SOC365: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Cybersecurity

In today's world, where cyber threats are becoming more advanced and persistent, organizations must invest in advanced cybersecurity solutions to safeguard.

Peter Bassill
July 18, 2024
min read
SOC365: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Cybersecurity

SOC365: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Cybersecurity

In today's world, where cyber threats are becoming more advanced and persistent, organizations must invest in advanced cybersecurity solutions to safeguard their digital assets. SOC365 is a service provided by Hedgehog Security that serves as a comprehensive Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS), integrating Extended Detection and Response (XDR) capabilities. This article delves into SOC365's extensive cyber defence features and explains how its managed SOC and managed cyber defence solutions are reshaping cybersecurity.

The Evolving Threat Landscape

In recent years, cybersecurity threats have rapidly advanced from simple malware and viruses to sophisticated, multi-faceted attacks that specifically target an organization's IT infrastructure. The prevalence of ransomware, phishing, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and zero-day vulnerabilities has highlighted the insufficiency of traditional security measures. It's become evident that organizations must adopt an integrated, proactive approach to effectively identify, respond to, and mitigate these evolving and complex threats to their security.

As we move through the second half of 2024, the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, presenting new challenges and threats to organizations worldwide. This analysis draws from recent reports, including the Sophos 2024 Threat Report, ENISA's Threat Landscape for DoS Attacks, and additional insights from the Global Threat Report. These sources provide a comprehensive overview of the prevailing cyber threats and the evolving tactics used by cybercriminals. Here, we explore key findings and emerging trends that businesses and security professionals need to be aware of.

Ransomware: A Persistent Threat

Ransomware continues to dominate the threat landscape, with significant implications for organizations of all sizes, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). According to the Sophos 2024 Threat Report, ransomware attacks were a predominant threat in 2023, affecting a wide range of sectors. The report highlights that ransomware remains the biggest existential threat to SMEs, often leading to severe operational disruptions and financial losses.

Key Trends in Ransomware Attacks

Targeting SMEs: SMEs are particularly vulnerable due to limited cybersecurity resources. The Sophos report notes that over 75% of incident response cases involved SMEs, highlighting the disproportionate impact on these businesses.
Evolving Tactics: Cybercriminals are increasingly using "dual-use" tools, such as remote desktop software and legitimate software utilities, to facilitate ransomware attacks. These tools are often misused to gain access to systems, deploy ransomware, or steal data.
Cross-Platform Ransomware: Attackers are developing ransomware capable of infecting multiple operating systems, including macOS and Linux, expanding their potential targets.

Data Theft and Credential Compromise

Data theft remains a central focus for cybercriminals, with a significant portion of malware targeting data and credentials. The Sophos report identifies data as the primary target in more than 90% of cyberattacks, encompassing methods such as ransomware, data extortion, and unauthorized access.

Common Techniques

Malware Variants: Information stealers, such as RedLine and Raccoon Stealer, are frequently used to capture credentials, browser cookies, and other sensitive information.
Business Email Compromise (BEC): BEC remains a prevalent threat, often involving the theft of email credentials to impersonate executives or employees, facilitating fraudulent transactions or data theft.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks

DDoS attacks have shown a notable increase, as highlighted in the ENISA Threat Landscape for DoS Attacks. These attacks are designed to overwhelm targeted systems, networks, or services, causing disruptions and denying access to legitimate users.

Notable Trends

Increased Sophistication: Attackers are employing more sophisticated techniques, including multi-vector attacks that combine different types of DDoS methods to bypass traditional defences.
Targeted Sectors: Critical infrastructure sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and government, are frequent targets, with attacks often timed to maximize disruption and impact.

Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS)

The commoditization of cybercrime, particularly through Malware as a Service (MaaS), continues to facilitate the spread of sophisticated attacks. The availability of MaaS platforms allows even relatively unskilled attackers to deploy ransomware, phishing campaigns, and other malicious activities.

Key Developments

MaaS Platforms: Sophos reports an increase in the use of MaaS, with tools like AgentTesla dominating the landscape. These platforms offer easy access to a variety of malware, including information stealers and remote access trojans (RATs).
Social Engineering and Exploits: Attackers frequently use social engineering, such as phishing and baiting, to distribute malware or gain initial access to networks. Additionally, the exploitation of software vulnerabilities, particularly in widely used platforms, remains a common entry point for attacks.

Mobile Malware and Social Engineering Threats

The proliferation of mobile devices has opened new avenues for cybercriminals. The use of mobile malware, such as spyware and banking trojans, is on the rise, often targeting personal and corporate data stored on smartphones and tablets.
Emerging Threats

Mobile Banking Trojans: These malware variants target financial applications to steal credentials and funds.
Social Engineering via Mobile: Attackers use messaging apps and social networks to lure victims into installing malicious apps or revealing sensitive information.

Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks, where attackers infiltrate organizations through vulnerabilities in third-party services or software, have become increasingly common. Such attacks can have widespread impacts, as seen in high-profile incidents involving software providers and service platforms.

Recent Examples

Software Vulnerabilities: Vulnerabilities in widely used software, such as managed file transfer tools and remote monitoring software, have been exploited to deploy ransomware and other malware.
Trusted Channels Exploitation: Attackers often target trusted software or update channels to distribute malicious payloads, complicating detection and response efforts.

SOC365: Detect, Defend, Disrupt

SOC365 is structured around three core pillars — Detect, Defend, and Disrupt. These pillars form the foundation of its comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, enabling organizations to protect their digital assets proactively and effectively. Each pillar represents a critical phase in the cybersecurity lifecycle, working in concert to provide a robust defence against an ever-evolving threat landscape.


The first pillar, Detect, focuses on identifying potential security threats before they can cause harm. This phase involves continuous monitoring and advanced analytics to recognize suspicious activities, vulnerabilities, and anomalies within an organization's digital environment.

Key Components of the Detect Pillar

Advanced Threat Detection: SOC365 utilizes a combination of machine learning, behavioural analytics, and threat intelligence to detect anomalies that may indicate malicious activity. This includes identifying unusual patterns in network traffic, system behaviours, and user activities that could signal a security breach.
Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring is critical for timely detection of threats. SOC365 employs Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to aggregate and analyse data from various sources, such as endpoints, network devices, and cloud services. This real-time analysis allows for immediate identification of potential threats.
Threat Intelligence Integration: By integrating global threat intelligence feeds, SOC365 stays updated on the latest threats and vulnerabilities. This proactive approach ensures that the platform can detect even the most recent and sophisticated attack vectors.
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): SOC365's EDR capabilities focus on monitoring and analysing endpoint activities. This includes detecting malicious software, unauthorized access attempts, and other suspicious behaviours that could compromise endpoint security.


The Defend pillar emphasizes fortifying an organization's defences to prevent identified threats from penetrating critical systems and data. This phase involves implementing protective measures, managing vulnerabilities, and ensuring that all security protocols are robust and up-to-date.

Key Components of the Defend Pillar

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS): SOC365 includes IPS to actively block identified threats. This system prevents unauthorized access and mitigates potential damage by isolating or neutralizing malicious activities.
Vulnerability Management: Regular vulnerability assessments and patch management are essential components of the Defend strategy. SOC365 helps organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities in their systems, applications, and networks, reducing the risk of exploitation.
Access Control and Identity Management: Ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information is a key defence strategy. SOC365 supports robust access control mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication and role-based access control, to protect critical assets.
Security Policy Enforcement: SOC365 aids organizations in developing and enforcing security policies that govern data handling, user behaviour, and system configurations. These policies are crucial for maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
Firewall Management: Effective firewall management is vital for controlling traffic entering and exiting a network. SOC365 provides tools for configuring and monitoring firewalls, ensuring they are optimized to block malicious traffic and prevent unauthorized access.


The Disrupt pillar focuses on actively countering and neutralizing cyber threats. This phase involves incident response, threat hunting, and continuous improvement of the security posture to disrupt adversarial activities and minimize the impact of attacks.

Key Components of the Disrupt Pillar

Incident Response: SOC365's incident response capabilities are designed to quickly contain and mitigate the effects of security breaches. This includes coordinated actions to isolate affected systems, recover compromised data, and restore normal operations.
Proactive Threat Hunting: Beyond responding to detected threats, SOC365 engages in proactive threat hunting. This involves searching for and identifying hidden threats or indicators of compromise within the environment, even when no specific alerts have been triggered.
Forensic Analysis: Post-incident analysis is crucial for understanding the root cause of an attack and preventing future occurrences. SOC365 provides detailed forensic analysis of security incidents, helping organizations learn from each event and strengthen their defences.
Continuous Improvement and Adaptation: The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, with new threats emerging regularly. SOC365 emphasizes continuous improvement by updating threat detection algorithms, refining response protocols, and integrating new security technologies.
Disruption of Adversarial Activities: SOC365 not only focuses on defending against attacks but also seeks to disrupt the activities of adversaries. This includes measures such as blacklisting known malicious IP addresses, shutting down phishing sites, and collaborating with law enforcement to take down cybercriminal infrastructure.

Understanding SOC365 and Its Core Components

SOC365 is designed to provide a unified security framework that combines advanced monitoring, detection, response, and compliance capabilities. Here's a detailed breakdown of its core components:

Cyber Defence

In today's digital age, cyber defence has become a fundamental aspect of protecting organizational assets, data, and operations from an ever-growing array of cyber threats. SOC365, with its robust suite of tools and services, offers a comprehensive cyber defence strategy that integrates advanced technologies, expert oversight, and proactive measures to safeguard against potential attacks. This section explores the critical elements of cyber defence provided by SOC365 and how they contribute to a secure digital environment.

The Importance of Cyber Defence

Cyber defence involves protecting information systems, networks, and data from cyberattacks that can disrupt operations, steal sensitive information, or cause financial and reputational damage. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, it is imperative for organizations to adopt a proactive and layered defence strategy.

SOC365's Cyber Defence Framework

SOC365 employs a multi-faceted approach to cyber defence, combining various technologies and methodologies to create a resilient security posture. Here are the key components of SOC365's cyber defence capabilities:

Threat Intelligence and Analysis

Threat intelligence is a critical component of SOC365's cyber defence strategy. By gathering, analysing, and utilizing data from various sources, SOC365 can identify emerging threats and vulnerabilities. This intelligence allows the platform to anticipate potential attacks and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Global Threat Intelligence Network: SOC365 is integrated into a global network of cybersecurity professionals and organizations that share information about the latest threats. This collective knowledge enhances SOC365's ability to detect and respond to new and evolving threats.
Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning: SOC365 uses machine learning algorithms to analyse threat data, identify patterns, and predict potential security incidents. This predictive capability helps in early detection and proactive defence.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is a proactive measure to identify and address security weaknesses before they can be exploited by attackers.

Regular Vulnerability Scanning: SOC365 conducts regular scans of networks, systems, and applications to identify vulnerabilities. These scans help organizations understand their security posture and prioritize remediation efforts.
Patch Management: Timely patching of software vulnerabilities is crucial in preventing exploitation. SOC365 provides patch management services, ensuring that systems are kept up to date with the latest security patches.
Configuration Management: Ensuring that systems are configured securely is another critical aspect of vulnerability management. SOC365 helps organizations implement best practices for secure configurations and regularly reviews them to address new threats.

Why Comprehensive Cyber Defence is Essential

The integration of advanced technologies and proactive measures in SOC365's cyber defence framework provides several key benefits:

Enhanced Threat Detection: The combination of SIEM, EDR, and XDR capabilities ensures that threats are detected quickly and accurately. This comprehensive detection capability is essential for identifying and mitigating sophisticated cyberattacks.
Reduced Response Times: SOC365's automated response capabilities, coupled with expert-led incident response, significantly reduce the time required to contain and remediate threats. This rapid response minimizes the potential damage caused by security incidents.
Improved Security Posture: Regular vulnerability assessments, patch management, and security awareness training help organizations maintain a strong security posture. These proactive measures reduce the risk of successful attacks and ensure compliance with security standards.
Operational Efficiency: By integrating various security tools and automating response actions, SOC365 reduces the complexity of managing cybersecurity operations. This integration allows security teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine monitoring tasks.
Scalability and Flexibility: SOC365's cyber defence capabilities are scalable and can be tailored to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. Whether a business requires basic security measures or advanced protection for a complex IT environment, SOC365 offers flexible solutions.

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Capabilities

SOC365's XDR platform integrates data from multiple security tools, providing a holistic view of potential threats across an organization's digital environment. This integration is crucial for detecting and responding to sophisticated cyber threats that may go unnoticed.

Cross-Layered Data Integration: SOC365 collects and correlates data from endpoints, networks, servers, cloud environments, and email systems. This comprehensive data aggregation enhances visibility into potential security incidents and enables more accurate threat detection.
Automated Threat Detection and Response: SOC365 leverages machine learning and advanced analytics to identify and respond to threats in real time. Automated responses reduce the manual effort required to manage incidents, allowing security teams to focus on more strategic tasks.
Behavioural Analytics: By analysing user and system behaviour, SOC365 can detect anomalies that may indicate a security breach. This approach is more effective than traditional signature-based detection methods, especially against new and evolving threats.
Incident Investigation and Forensics: SOC365 provides robust tools for investigating security incidents. Detailed forensic analysis helps organizations understand the nature and impact of an attack, identify vulnerabilities, and improve their security posture.

Managed Security Operations Center (SOC)

A key component of SOC365 is its managed SOC service, which offers continuous monitoring and response capabilities. This service is staffed by cybersecurity experts who provide 24/7 oversight of an organization's security infrastructure.

Proactive Threat Hunting: SOC365 includes regular threat-hunting activities to identify potential threats before they can cause harm. This proactive approach helps in the early detection of advanced threats, including those that may bypass traditional security controls.
Incident Response Management: In the event of a security breach, SOC365's SOC team coordinates the response, containment, and remediation efforts. This managed response capability ensures that incidents are handled efficiently, minimizing damage and recovery time.
Compliance and Reporting: SOC365 helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, NHS Cyber Security and ISO27001. The service regularly reports security posture and compliance status and provides valuable stakeholder insights.

The Technological Backbone of SOC365

The effectiveness of SOC365 lies in its use of state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies. Here's a deeper dive into the technological components that power SOC365:

Advanced Machine Learning and AI

SOC365 employs machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance its threat detection and response capabilities. These technologies enable the platform to analyse vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and detect anomalies that could indicate a cyber threat.

Anomaly Detection: Machine learning algorithms are trained to recognize standard organizational behaviour patterns. Deviations from these patterns, such as unusual login attempts or data access, trigger alerts for further investigation.
Predictive Analytics: SOC365 uses predictive analytics to forecast potential security incidents based on historical data. This capability helps organizations take preventive measures against anticipated threats.
Integration with SIEM and SOAR
SOC365 integrates seamlessly with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) systems. This integration provides several benefits:
Centralized Monitoring: SIEM systems aggregate logs and alerts from various sources, providing a centralized view of security events. SOC365 enhances this by correlating data across multiple layers, improving threat detection accuracy.
Automated Response: SOAR systems enable automated incident response workflows, reducing the time and effort required to manage security incidents. SOC365's integration with SOAR allows for automated containment and remediation actions, such as isolating infected devices or blocking malicious IP addresses.

Case Studies: SOC365 in Action

To illustrate the real-world impact of SOC365, we present several case studies demonstrating its effectiveness in various industries.

Case Study 1: Financial Services

A leading financial institution implemented SOC365 to enhance its cybersecurity posture. The institution faced frequent phishing attacks and needed a solution providing continuous monitoring and rapid response. SOC365's advanced threat detection and response capabilities enabled the institution to detect phishing attempts in real time and respond swiftly, preventing data breaches and financial losses.

Case Study 2: Healthcare

A healthcare provider faced challenges in complying with NHS regulations and ensuring the security of patient data. SOC365 provided the tools to monitor and protect sensitive information across multiple systems, including electronic health records (EHRs). The provider achieved full compliance and significantly reduced the risk of data breaches.

Case Study 3: Retail

A retail chain experienced a ransomware attack that threatened to disrupt operations and compromise customer data. With SOC365's managed SOC and incident response services, the company quickly contained the attack, restored affected systems, and implemented measures to prevent future incidents.

Why SOC365 is a Game Changer in Cybersecurity

SOC365 distinguishes itself from other cybersecurity solutions through its comprehensive approach and advanced capabilities. Here are the key reasons why SOC365 is considered a game-changer:

Comprehensive Coverage

SOC365 provides end-to-end coverage of an organization's security needs, from threat detection to incident response and compliance management. This comprehensive approach reduces the need for multiple-point solutions and simplifies security management.

Expert-Led Managed Services

The managed SOC service offered by SOC365 ensures organizations access to top-tier cybersecurity expertise. This service is particularly beneficial for organizations that need more in-house security resources or expertise.

Scalability and Flexibility

SOC365 is designed to scale according to an organization's size and needs. Whether a business is a small startup or a large enterprise, SOC365 can be tailored to provide the right level of protection and support.

Advanced Technology Integration

By integrating advanced technologies such as machine learning, AI, SIEM, and SOAR, SOC365 provides a robust and efficient security solution. This integration enhances the platform's capabilities and ensures that it remains adaptable to emerging threats.

Proactive Security Posture

SOC365's focus on proactive threat hunting and predictive analytics helps organizations avoid potential threats. This proactive approach is crucial in the modern threat landscape, where waiting to react can result in significant damage.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Cybersecurity with SOC365

As cyber threats continue to evolve, so must the strategies and technologies used to combat them. SOC365 is well-positioned to address future challenges in cybersecurity, including:

Integration with Emerging Technologies: SOC365 is exploring integration with blockchain, quantum computing, and other emerging technologies to enhance security measures further.
Focus on Privacy and Data Protection: With increasing regulations around data privacy, SOC365 is improving its capabilities to help organizations comply with new and existing laws.
Global Threat Intelligence Sharing: SOC365 is part of a worldwide network of cybersecurity experts and organizations sharing threat intelligence. This collaboration helps SOC365 stay updated on the latest threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that clients are protected against the most current threats.

In Summary

SOC365 represents the cutting edge of cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive and integrated solution to protect organizations against a wide range of cyber threats. With its advanced XDR capabilities, managed SOC services, and focus on proactive security, SOC365 is not just a service but a strategic partner in the ongoing battle against cybercrime.

For organizations looking to strengthen their cybersecurity posture, SOC365 offers a powerful and flexible solution tailored to meet specific needs. As cyber threats continue to grow in complexity, SOC365's robust capabilities and expert-led services will be essential in safeguarding digital assets and maintaining business continuity.

Contact Hedgehog Security today to learn more about how SOC365 can transform your organization's cybersecurity approach. With SOC365, you can protect your business, empower your team, and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

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