Detect, Defend, Disrupt

Detect, Defend, Disrupt - the 3 core pillars of Cyber Defence

Detect Defend Disrupt

In today’s ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, organizations must adopt a multi-faceted approach to protect their digital assets. SOC365 embodies this approach through our comprehensive SOC as a Service, structured around three central pillars: Detect, Defend, and Disrupt. Our framework ensures that threats are identified promptly, defenses are fortified, and attackers are actively neutralized.

Here is an in-depth look at how each pillar of SOC365’s strategy works.


The first step in any effective cybersecurity strategy is the ability to detect threats in real time. Our SOC as a Service employs advanced detection mechanisms that leverage machine learning, artificial intelligence, and behavioural analytics to identify potential threats before they can cause harm.

Proactive Threat Monitoring

Our state-of-the-art Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous monitoring of network traffic, user and system activities. This proactive approach ensures that any suspicious behavior is detected and analyzed promptly. The SOC team utilizes sophisticated tools and techniques to differentiate between normal and anomalous activities, reducing the likelihood of false positives.

Advanced Analytics, AI and Machine Learning

Using machine learning algorithms, SOC365’s detection system continuously learns from new threats and adapts its detection capabilities. Behavioural analytics provide insights into user and system behavior, enabling our industry leading SIEM platform to identify deviations that may indicate a security threat. This advanced technology ensures that even the most sophisticated attacks are detected early. Our AI platform, Hedgey, has been operating on the first line SOC desk since 2018 to enhance and enrich alert data and provide rapid event corrolation across the previous 72 hours.

Comprehensive Threat Intelligence

We integrate global threat intelligence feeds into our detection framework. By leveraging up-to-date information about emerging threats and vulnerabilities, our network of systems and applications can preemptively identify and mitigate risks. This integration enhances the overall threat detection capability, providing a robust defense against new and evolving cyber threats.


Once a threat is detected, the next critical step is to defend the organization’s digital assets effectively. This is where you really feel the benefit of an active SOC as a Service offering. Our defense mechanisms are designed to provide a robust and resilient security posture, capable of withstanding and mitigating cyber attacks.

Automated Incident Response

Our platfrom employs automated incident response protocols to ensure rapid and effective action against detected threats. These protocols are designed to isolate and contain threats, minimizing the potential impact on the organization. Automated responses can include actions such as blocking malicious IP addresses, quarantining affected systems, and terminating unauthorized sessions and applications. Becuase we are looking at non-human interactions as well as human interactions with systems, we are able to often see the strange associated with the zero day exploits before things go wrong.

Network and Endpoint Security

SOC365 provides comprehensive security measures for both network and endpoint devices. Network security includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) that monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic. Endpoint security through our EDR/XDR angent ensures that we have complete visibility of systems and applications for early detection of threats.

Regular Security Assessments

To maintain a strong defense, our Security Operations Centre team conducts regular security assessments, including vulnerability scans and penetration testing. These assessments identify potential weaknesses in the organization’s defenses and provide actionable insights to improve security measures. By continuously evaluating and enhancing security protocols, we can ensure that defenses remain robust and up-to-date.


The final pillar of SOC365’s strategy is to disrupt cyber attackers actively, and this is what sets us apart from the likes of Darktrace and others. Our Disruption team provide a proactive approach that not only neutralizes threats but also diminishes the attackers’ ability to carry out successful attacks in the future. Through the deployment of honeypots and tarpits, we trap and hinder attackers, forcing their hand into revealing their attack vectors and malware code.

Threat Hunting

Our Security Operations Centre has a dedicated threat hunting team who are actively searching for indicators of compromise (IoCs) within the organization’s network. By identifying and investigating potential threats that may have evaded initial detection, the threat hunting team disrupts the attackers’ activities and prevents further infiltration. This proactive stance ensures that threats are addressed before they can cause significant harm.

Deception Technology

To further disrupt attackers, the SOC employs deception technology, including honeypots, tarpits and decoys. These tools lure attackers into engaging with fake assets, diverting them from the actual network. Deception technology not only delays and confuses attackers but also provides valuable intelligence about their tactics and techniques, which can be used to strengthen defenses.

Data Disruption

SOC365 leverages data disruption techniques to neutralize stolen or compromised data. By rendering data unusable through techniques such as encryption or tokenization, SOC365 ensures that even if attackers manage to exfiltrate information, it remains of no value to them. This approach reduces the incentive for attacks and protects sensitive information from misuse.


Here are the answers to our most commonly asked Detect, Defend, Disrupt questions.

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