APT7: The Corporate Lateral Mover

APT7 is a cyber espionage group suspected of operating out of China, with a focus on sectors that are critical to national security and economic competitiveness

Emily Roberts
February 13, 2024
min read
APT7: The Corporate Lateral Mover

Who’s Behind It?
APT7 is a cyber espionage group suspected of operating out of China, with a focus on sectors that are critical to national security and economic competitiveness, including construction, engineering, aerospace, and the defense industrial base. If your organization operates in these fields, particularly in the U.S. or U.K., APT7 could be targeting your most valuable data.

What’s Their Mission?
APT7’s primary objective is intellectual property theft. They focus on stealing data and projects that give organizations a competitive edge in their respective industries. By targeting companies that lead in innovation and technology, APT7 aims to acquire information that can be leveraged to benefit Chinese interests, both commercially and strategically.

Their Arsenal
APT7 employs a variety of malware, including DIGDUG and TRACKS. These tools are designed to infiltrate networks, maintain persistent access, and exfiltrate sensitive data without detection. Their operations are highly targeted, focusing on the specific information that can provide the most strategic advantage.

How They Get In
APT7 is particularly adept at using lateral movement to achieve their goals. In one notable tactic, they have used access to one organization to infiltrate another organization under the same corporate parent. This form of lateral movement not only allows them to maintain access across multiple entities but also serves as the initial compromise method for subsequent targets. This strategy underscores their ability to exploit interconnected business relationships to maximize the impact of their attacks.

Why This Matters to Us
At Hedgehog Security, we understand that APT7’s focus on intellectual property theft, combined with their ability to leverage lateral movement within corporate structures, makes them a significant threat. The potential for APT7 to disrupt or undermine your organization by stealing and exploiting sensitive data is a serious concern that demands robust defenses.

That’s why we’re here. With our SOC365 service, we don’t just monitor for threats—we actively defend against them. Our deep understanding of APT7’s tactics ensures that your organization’s defenses are strong enough to repel even the most sophisticated and targeted attacks. We’re committed to protecting your most valuable assets, ensuring that your competitive edge remains secure.

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, defending against groups like APT7 requires more than just technical expertise—it demands a proactive and strategic approach. At Hedgehog Security, we’re dedicated to keeping the pricks on the outside, so your organization can operate securely and confidently, knowing that your intellectual property and strategic interests are well-protected.

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