Purchasing Managed SOC Services: Top Tips

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber landscape, businesses face an ever-growing array of threats. From sophisticated phishing attacks to ransomware, the dangers ar

Peter Bassill
September 3, 2024
min read
Purchasing Managed SOC Services: Top Tips

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber landscape, businesses face an ever-growing array of threats. From sophisticated phishing attacks to ransomware, the dangers are numerous and constantly changing. To stay ahead of these threats, many organizations are turning to managed Security Operations Center (SOC) services as a vital component of their cybersecurity strategy.

However, choosing the right managed SOC service, or even as simple as a managed SIEM, can be a daunting task. The market is filled with options, and not all managed SOC services are created equal. To help guide your decision-making process, this blog post will dive deep into the key factors you need to consider when purchasing managed SOC services. Whether you’re an IT manager, a CISO, or a managing director, these tips will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed choice that aligns with your business goals and security needs.

Understand the Importance of a Managed SOC

A managed SOC is more than just a security monitoring service; it’s a comprehensive solution that integrates advanced detection, response, and remediation capabilities to protect your organization 24/7. A well-run SOC can detect threats in real-time, reduce the time to response, and significantly minimize the impact of security incidents. A market leading SOC will enable a full Detect, Defend and Disrupt program to keep you protected. It should also monitor your meta data online.

Managed SOC services are particularly beneficial for businesses that lack the resources or expertise to manage security operations in-house. By outsourcing this critical function, companies can leverage the expertise of cybersecurity professionals and state-of-the-art technologies without the burden of maintaining a full-time internal security team.

Key Benefits

  • Continuous monitoring and protection
  • Access to specialized security expertise
  • Cost-effective compared to building an in-house SOC
  • Rapid incident detection and response

Assess Your Specific Security Needs

Before you start evaluating SOC providers, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your own security needs. Every organization is different, and the security requirements of a financial services firm will differ from those of a tech startup.

Consider the following when assessing your needs:

  • Industry Regulations: Are you subject to specific regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR, PCI-DSS, ISO27001)?
  • Business Size and Scope: What is the scale of your operations? Do you operate in multiple regions?
  • Current Security Posture: What are your existing security measures? Are there gaps that need to be addressed?
  • Threat Landscape: What are the most common threats faced by your industry?

By thoroughly understanding your needs, you can identify the services and capabilities that are most critical to your organization, ensuring that you select a SOC provider that can meet those needs effectively.

Evaluate the Provider’s Expertise and Experience

When it comes to cybersecurity, expertise matters. The experience and qualifications of the SOC provider should be a top consideration. Look for providers that have a proven track record in the industry and have experience working with businesses similar to yours.

Key Factors to Consider

  • Certifications: Does the provider have relevant certifications, such as CREST, ISO 27001, or PCI DSS? These indicate a commitment to industry best practices.
  • Industry Experience: Does the provider have experience in your specific industry? Familiarity with industry-specific threats and regulations is essential.
  • Client Testimonials: What do other clients say about the provider? Look for case studies or testimonials that highlight the provider’s ability to deliver results.

Understand the Scope of Services Offered

Managed SOC services can vary widely in terms of the scope of services offered. It’s important to understand exactly what is included in the service package and what might incur additional costs.

Common Services Provided by Managed SOCs

  • 24/7 Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of your networks and systems for suspicious activity.
  • Threat Detection and Response: Identifying and responding to potential threats in real-time.
  • Incident Management: Handling and mitigating security incidents, including root cause analysis and remediation.
  • Vulnerability Management: Regular scanning and assessment of your systems to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Threat Intelligence: Access to threat intelligence feeds and updates to stay ahead of emerging threats.
  • Compliance Reporting: Assistance with compliance and regulatory reporting requirements.

Make sure the services offered align with your needs. If you require advanced services like threat hunting or incident response retainers, confirm that these are included in the package or available as add-ons.

Evaluate the Technology Stack

The technology stack used by the SOC provider plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the service. Advanced SOCs utilize a combination of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platforms, and automated response tools to detect and mitigate threats quickly.

Key Technologies to Look For

  • SIEM Systems: These are the backbone of any SOC, collecting and analyzing data from across your environment to detect anomalies.
  • XDR Solutions: Extended Detection and Response tools provide a more holistic view of threats by integrating data from multiple sources, including endpoints, networks, and cloud environments.
  • Automation Tools: Automation can significantly reduce response times by handling routine tasks such as isolating compromised systems or blocking malicious IPs.
  • Threat Intelligence Feeds: Access to global threat intelligence helps the SOC stay ahead of new and emerging threats.

Ask the provider about the technology stack they use, how it’s integrated into their SOC operations, and how it benefits your organization.

Consider the Provider’s Approach to Incident Response

A key component of any managed SOC service is its approach to incident response. When a security incident occurs, the speed and effectiveness of the response can make a significant difference in minimizing damage.

Questions to Ask

  • Response Time: What is the provider’s average response time to incidents? Do they offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that guarantee response times?
  • Incident Handling: How does the provider handle incidents? What are the escalation procedures?
  • Forensics and Post-Incident Analysis: Does the provider offer forensic analysis to determine the root cause of incidents and prevent future occurrences?
  • Incident Response Retainer: Some providers offer an incident response retainer, providing you with guaranteed access to their experts in the event of a major security incident.

Understanding the provider’s incident response capabilities will give you confidence that they can effectively handle any security incidents that arise.

Examine the Provider’s Threat Intelligence Capabilities

Effective threat detection and response rely heavily on high-quality threat intelligence. This intelligence provides insights into the latest attack vectors, threat actors, and vulnerabilities that could impact your organization.

Key Considerations

  • Source of Threat Intelligence: Does the provider rely on proprietary threat intelligence, or do they aggregate data from multiple sources?
  • Relevance to Your Industry: Is the threat intelligence tailored to your industry? Industry-specific intelligence is more likely to identify relevant threats.
  • Integration with SOC Operations: How is threat intelligence integrated into the provider’s SOC operations? Is it used to proactively adjust detection rules and response strategies?

A provider with robust threat intelligence capabilities can help you stay ahead of the latest threats and reduce your risk exposure.

Evaluate the SOC’s Reporting and Communication Practices

Clear and consistent communication is vital when working with a managed SOC provider. You need to know what’s happening in your environment, how threats are being managed, and the overall state of your security posture.

Key Aspects of Reporting and Communication

  • Regular Reporting: What kind of reports does the provider offer? Look for detailed reports that cover incidents, vulnerabilities, and overall SOC performance.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Does the provider offer real-time alerts for critical incidents? How are these alerts delivered (e.g., email, SMS, phone call)?
  • Communication Channels: How will you communicate with the SOC team? Is there a dedicated account manager or support team that you can contact directly?
  • Transparency: Does the provider offer full transparency into their operations and decision-making processes? Transparency is key to building trust and ensuring you’re fully informed.

By understanding the provider’s reporting and communication practices, you can ensure that you’re always in the loop and able to make informed decisions.

Assess the Provider’s Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, your security needs will evolve. It’s important to choose a managed SOC provider that can scale with you and adapt to your changing requirements.

Key Considerations

  • Scalability: Can the SOC scale to handle increased data volume, additional endpoints, or expanded network coverage as your business grows?
  • Flexibility: Is the SOC service flexible enough to accommodate changes in your business, such as new compliance requirements, acquisitions, or shifts in IT infrastructure?
  • Customizability: Does the provider offer customizable service packages that allow you to add or remove services as needed?

A SOC provider that offers scalability and flexibility will be able to support your business as it grows and changes, ensuring continuous protection.

Consider the Total Cost of Ownership

Cost is always a key consideration when purchasing managed services. However, it’s important to look beyond the initial price and consider the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Factors to Consider

  • Upfront Costs: What are the initial setup fees, if any?
  • Ongoing Costs: What is the monthly or annual fee for the SOC service? Are there any additional costs for extra services or features?
  • Hidden Costs: Are there any hidden costs, such as fees for additional incident response hours, extra data storage, or overage charges for increased data volume?
  • Return on Investment (ROI): What value does the SOC service provide in terms of reduced risk, faster incident response, and compliance support? Consider the potential cost savings from avoiding a major security breach.

By evaluating the TCO, you can ensure that you’re getting the best value for your investment in managed SOC services.

Verify Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

In today’s regulatory environment, compliance is a critical aspect of any security service. Ensure that the managed SOC provider is fully compliant with relevant data protection regulations and can support your compliance needs.

Key Compliance Areas

  • GDPR Compliance: For businesses operating in the EU or handling EU customer data, GDPR compliance is essential.
  • NHS Compliance: If you operate in the healthcare sector, ensure that the provider is NHS compliant.
  • PCI DSS Compliance: If your business processes payment card information, PCI DSS compliance is a must.
  • Data Sovereignty: Consider where the provider stores and processes your data. Ensure that the data stays within regions that comply with your legal requirements.

Choosing a provider that adheres to the necessary compliance standards will help you avoid regulatory penalties and ensure that your data is handled securely.

Understand the Provider’s Approach to Customer Support

Customer support is a crucial aspect of any managed service. When it comes to cybersecurity, you need a provider that offers prompt, knowledgeable, and reliable support.

Questions to Ask

  • Support Availability: Is support available 24/7? How can you contact support (e.g., phone, email, chat)?
  • Expertise: Are the support staff knowledgeable and experienced in cybersecurity? Do they have the certifications and expertise to assist with complex issues?
  • Response Times: What are the provider’s guaranteed response times for support requests? Are there SLAs in place to ensure timely support?
  • Proactive Support: Does the provider offer proactive support, such as regular check-ins, health checks, or performance reviews?

Understanding the provider’s customer support practices will give you peace of mind that help is available whenever you need it.

Check for Integration with Your Existing Security Tools

If your organization already uses certain security tools, it’s important to ensure that the managed SOC service can integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure.

Key Considerations

  • Tool Compatibility: Is the SOC provider’s technology stack compatible with your existing security tools, such as firewalls, endpoint protection, and cloud security solutions?
  • API Integrations: Does the provider offer APIs or other integration options to connect with your current tools?
  • Custom Integrations: If custom integrations are required, does the provider offer support for implementing them?

Ensuring compatibility and integration with your existing tools will help you maximize the value of your current investments and create a more cohesive security environment.

Review the Provider’s Security Measures

Last but certainly not least, it’s essential to evaluate the security measures that the SOC provider has in place to protect your data and systems. After all, you’re entrusting them with the security of your organization.

Security Measures to Consider

  • Data Encryption: Does the provider use strong encryption (e.g., AES-256) for data in transit and at rest?
  • Access Controls: Are there robust access controls in place to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your data?
  • Audit Logs: Does the provider maintain detailed audit logs of all activities within their SOC environment?
  • Physical Security: What physical security measures are in place at the provider’s data centers?
  • Regular Audits: Does the provider undergo regular security audits and assessments by third-party organizations?

By reviewing the provider’s security measures, you can ensure that your data is handled securely and that the provider follows best practices in cybersecurity.

Don’t Forget About Continuous Improvement

Cybersecurity is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. The threat landscape is constantly evolving, and your managed SOC service should be continuously improving to keep up with these changes.

Considerations for Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Updates: Does the provider regularly update their detection rules, threat intelligence feeds, and response procedures?
  • Innovation: Is the provider investing in new technologies, such as AI and machine learning, to enhance their SOC operations?
  • Client Feedback: Does the provider seek and act on client feedback to improve their services?

A managed SOC provider that is committed to continuous improvement will be better equipped to protect your organization against future threats.

Choosing the Right Managed SOC Service

Purchasing a managed SOC service is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on your organization’s security posture. By carefully evaluating providers based on the factors outlined in this guide, you can select a managed SOC service that meets your needs, aligns with your business goals, and provides the protection you need in today’s challenging cybersecurity landscape.

For more information on how Hedgehog Security’s SOC365 service can help you achieve 24/7 security monitoring and incident response, visit our SOC365 page. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in securing your organization and keeping the pricks on the outside.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding a managed SOC service that provides the security, reliability, and peace of mind your business needs to thrive in a digital world.

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