Cyber Security News: June 8th - 14th, 2024

It’s been another eventful week in the world of cybersecurity, with a string of high-profile breaches and attacks leaving many wondering whats gone wrong.

Emily Roberts
June 14, 2024
min read
Cyber Security News: June 8th - 14th, 2024

More Cybersecurity Chaos: The Week’s Worst Breaches

It’s been another eventful week in the world of cybersecurity, with a string of high-profile breaches and attacks leaving many wondering what could have gone wrong. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most notable incidents from the past seven days.

UK-based company suffers ransomware attack

According to reports, [UK-based company] has fallen victim to a devastating ransomware attack, with hackers demanding a hefty sum in exchange for restoring access to compromised systems (Source:

What could have gone wrong? It’s likely that the company’s lack of robust cybersecurity measures, such as regular backups and employee training on phishing attacks, contributed to the breach. Our SOC365 service would have helped detect and respond to this attack in real-time, minimizing the impact on the business.

Healthcare provider’s patient data compromised

A healthcare provider in the United States has announced that an unauthorized party gained access to sensitive patient information, including names, dates of birth, and medical records (Source:

What could have gone wrong? It is more than possible that the healthcare provider’s inadequate security controls, such as weak passwords and insufficient access controls, allowed attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. As part of our SOC365 service we perform regular threat hunting for our clients to help identify weakenessed that could enable a compromise such as this.

Cryptocurrency exchange hacked

A popular cryptocurrency exchange has been hit by a sophisticated hacking operation, resulting in the theft of millions of dollars’ worth of digital currencies (Source:

What could have gone wrong? It’s likely that the exchange’s lack of robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and regular penetration testing, allowed attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive systems. What we see with many of these cryptoexchanges is a signficantly blasé attitude to security. If you are going to keep your cryptocurrency in an exchange, make sure you are monitoring what their security program looks like. Of course, you may be better off keeping your cryptocurrency in your own wallet locally.

Government agency’s IT systems compromised

A government agency in the United States has announced that its IT systems were compromised by an unknown attacker, resulting in the theft of sensitive information (Source:

What could have gone wrong? Well who can say. From experiance, and looking at historic events, there was probably very little security in place.

Online retailer’s customer data stolen

A popular online retailer has announced that an unauthorized party gained access to sensitive customer information, including names, addresses, and payment card details.

What could have gone wrong? It’s likely that the retailer’s web application may have had a previously undiscovered weakness, or they may have simple has inadequate security controls, such as weak passwords and insufficient encryption. How ever the breach was enacted, it allowed attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. Our SOC365 service would have helped identify and contain this attack, protecting customer confidentiality by preventing the data egress and elimating the attackers from the systems.

Wrapping up this week

As we can see from these recent breaches, cybersecurity threats are a constant concern for organizations of all sizes and industries. By staying one step ahead of attackers through robust security measures and real-time threat detection, businesses can minimize the impact of cyber attacks and protect their reputation.

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