APT20: The Data Collector

APT20, also known as Twivy, is a cyber threat group with suspected links to China. APT20 is primarily focused on data theft from anywhere.

Emily Roberts
February 12, 2024
min read
APT20: The Data Collector

Who’s Behind It?
APT20, also known as Twivy, is a cyber threat group with suspected links to China. This group operates across a wide range of sectors, including construction and engineering, healthcare, non-profit organizations, the defense industrial base, and chemical research and production companies. If your organization is in one of these fields, APT20 might be on the lookout for opportunities to breach your systems.

What’s Their Mission?
APT20 is primarily focused on data theft, targeting both intellectual property and sensitive information. But their interests don’t stop there—they’re also keen on monitoring the activities of individuals with specific political leanings, particularly those related to democracy, human rights, and freedom of the press. This suggests that APT20, while operating as a freelancer group, likely enjoys some level of nation-state sponsorship from China, aligning their activities with broader political goals.

Their Arsenal
APT20’s toolkit includes a mix of widely recognized and effective malware, such as QIAC, SOGU, Gh0st, ZXSHELL, Poison Ivy, BEACON, HOMEUNIX, and STEW. These tools allow them to infiltrate networks, maintain access, and exfiltrate valuable data over time, often without detection.

How They Get In
APT20 frequently employs strategic web compromises (SWCs) as a key method for initial access. They host these SWCs on websites—often Chinese-language sites—that focus on democracy, human rights, ethnic minorities in China, and other sensitive issues. This choice of targets provides insight into their broader objectives, which go beyond simple data theft to include monitoring and potentially influencing political discourse.

Why This Matters to Us
At Hedgehog Security, we understand that APT20’s combination of intellectual property theft and political monitoring poses a unique threat. Their ability to strategically target individuals and organizations involved in sensitive political issues means that the stakes are high, both for your data and for the broader implications of their activities.

That’s why we’re here. With our SOC365 service, we’re not just monitoring for threats—we’re actively defending against them. Our deep understanding of APT20’s tactics ensures that your organization’s most valuable information stays secure, whether it’s intellectual property or politically sensitive data.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of groups like APT20 requires vigilance, expertise, and a proactive approach. At Hedgehog Security, we’re committed to keeping the pricks on the outside, so your organization can focus on what matters most, with the confidence that your data is safe and secure.

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