APT17: The Forum Infiltrator

APT17, also known as Tailgator Team or Deputy Dog, is a cyber espionage group with suspected ties to China. APT17 is primarily focused on conducting network int

Emily Roberts
February 13, 2024
min read
APT17: The Forum Infiltrator

Who’s Behind It?
APT17, also known as Tailgator Team or Deputy Dog, is a cyber espionage group with suspected ties to China. Their targets include U.S. government agencies, international law firms, and information technology companies—sectors where the stakes are high and the data is critical.

What’s Their Mission?
APT17 is primarily focused on conducting network intrusions against targeted organizations. Their operations are carefully planned and executed, aiming to penetrate defenses and maintain long-term access to valuable information. Whether it’s government secrets, legal strategies, or cutting-edge technology, APT17 is after the data that keeps these organizations competitive and secure.

Their Arsenal
APT17 is known to use BLACKCOFFEE, a sophisticated piece of malware designed to help them infiltrate networks and exfiltrate data while avoiding detection. But their ingenuity doesn’t stop at the malware—they also employ unique techniques that make them particularly difficult to track and neutralize.

How They Get In
APT17 is notorious for exploiting online forums to embed encoded command-and-control (CnC) instructions. By creating profiles and posting in forums, they can hide their CnC infrastructure in plain sight, making it challenging for network security professionals to determine the true location of the CnC servers. This technique not only evades detection but also allows their CnC infrastructure to remain active for extended periods, increasing the potential damage they can inflict.

Why This Matters to Us
At Hedgehog Security, we understand that APT17’s use of hidden CnC channels and their focus on high-value targets like government agencies and international law firms make them a formidable adversary. Their ability to maintain long-term access to compromised networks means that the damage they can cause isn’t just immediate—it can have lasting consequences.

That’s why we’re here. With our SOC365 service, we’re committed to detecting and neutralizing threats like APT17 before they can embed themselves deep within your network. Our expertise in understanding and countering their unique techniques ensures that your organization’s defenses are always one step ahead.

In the complex world of cybersecurity, defending against groups like APT17 requires more than just technical know-how—it demands a proactive and strategic defense. At Hedgehog Security, we’re dedicated to keeping the pricks on the outside, so your organization can operate securely and confidently, no matter what sophisticated threats come your way.

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