Understanding SOC Services with SOC365

Managed SOC (Security Operations Center) services provide a centralized approach to monitoring and managing suspicious activities within your IT infrastructure.

Peter Bassill
June 30, 2024
min read
Understanding SOC Services with SOC365

SOC Services Explained: Comprehensive Security Operations Center Solutions by Hedgehog Security

The need for robust cybersecurity protection and monitoring continues to grow in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. As technology advances, so do the methods of cyber attackers. Most businesses acknowledge the importance of investing in cybersecurity measures such as antivirus software, firewalls, DNS security, and multi-factor authentication. However, even the best security tools can only function optimally with continuous monitoring and analysis. Hedgehog Security's SOC365 Managed SOC services come into play, bridging the gap and enhancing your existing security measures.

What Are Managed SOC Services?

Managed SOC (Security Operations Center) services provide a centralized approach to monitoring and managing suspicious activities within your IT infrastructure. At Hedgehog Security, our SOC365 service collects and analyzes cybersecurity events from various sources, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, edge and core switches, routers, and firewalls. By examining traffic across all these devices, we understand potential threats within your environment.

Think of our Managed SOC services as the digital equivalent of a security guard who monitors all traffic entering and exiting a building while also monitoring security cameras to observe behaviour within the premises. This analogy helps illustrate the critical role our SOC365 service plays in safeguarding your organization.

The core of SOC Services

SOC Services - Detect

Detection is the cornerstone of SOC services. Our SOC365 team monitors your network for a wide range of suspicious activities, including but not limited to unusual login attempts, data exfiltration, and malware propagation, using advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and other sophisticated tools. Analyzing logs and traffic in real time, we identify potential threats before they escalate.

SOC Services - Defend

Once a threat is detected, rapid response is crucial. Our SOC365 team, with their extensive expertise, acts swiftly to contain and mitigate the threat's impact. This involves isolating affected systems, removing malware, and addressing vulnerabilities to prevent future incidents. Our proactive defence measures, coupled with our team's knowledge, help maintain the integrity of your IT environment, giving you a sense of security and confidence.

SOC Services - Disrupt

Our SOC365 service goes beyond mere detection and defence. We proactively disrupt cyber threats by leveraging robust threat intelligence. We stay ahead of emerging threats by gathering and analyzing data from various sources, including open-source intelligence and dark web monitoring. When attacks start getting complex, we will perform take downs too. This proactive approach allows us to tailor our defences and anticipate cybercriminal tactics, giving you the reassurance that we're always one step ahead.

SOC Services - Remediate

Vulnerability management is a critical aspect of our SOC365 service. Regularly scanning for and addressing vulnerabilities in your software, hardware, and network configurations helps prevent potential exploits. Our team provides detailed recommendations for remediation, ensuring that your systems remain secure.

How Do Managed SOC Services Work?

When you have robust endpoint security measures, your network generates vast amounts of data about traffic and activities. Whether monitored by an in-house cybersecurity team or outsourced to a managed service provider, this data quickly accumulates, making it challenging to analyze manually. This is where our SOC365 service excels. We analyze all logged network traffic using SIEM software, turning raw data into meaningful insights. Integrated with AI and machine learning, modern SIEM tools detect patterns such as account lockouts, failed login attempts, and privilege escalation, providing alerts on potential breaches. Our highly skilled engineers then monitor these alerts, ensuring that threats are managed and remediated effectively.

How Do Managed SOC Services Improve Security?

Managed SOC services significantly enhance your security posture by complementing your security measures. They are not a replacement but rather an enhancement, providing maximum value from the security solutions you already have. Extensive security coverage protects your environment, but it must often be improved to alert you to suspicious activity. Managed SOC services continuously analyze reports from all your security tools, offering timely and actionable insights. This rapid identification and response are critical in mitigating the impact of security threats and ensuring your IT environment remains secure.

Who Benefits from Managed SOC Services?

Managed SOC services are ideal for any organization needing more resources for a dedicated in-house cybersecurity team. They are particularly beneficial for manufacturing businesses with trade secrets, organizations handling sensitive customer or employee information, entities required to meet external regulations (such as ISO27001, HIPAA, NIST SP 800-171, GLBA, and PCI-DSS), and companies with in-house and outsourced IT support. Streamlining cybersecurity through managed SOC services ensures faster response times and enhanced protection, which is crucial for every business owner concerned about data security.

Why Should Businesses Consider Managed SOC Services?

Managed SOC services offer a centralized and comprehensive view of suspicious activities within your IT environment, providing multiple benefits:

  1. Comprehensive Overview: Managed SOC services monitor ongoing data and can retrospectively analyze network traffic and events, revealing endpoint protection gaps.
  2. Faster Isolation and Removal: With a comprehensive overview and support from our SOC team, threats are detected sooner, allowing quicker responses and minimized impact.
  3. Compliance: Increasingly, regulatory compliance boards demand centralized security logging and review. Managed SOC services meet these requirements, ensuring compliance with regulations like ISO27001, HIPAA, NIST SP 800-171, GLBA, and PCI-DSS.

Signing Up for Managed SOC Services

The possibilities and responses are limitless with a managed SOC. Continuous monitoring, analysis, and response to security logs by a dedicated team ensure your existing security solutions are utilized to their fullest potential. Our SOC365 service reviews logs across your IT environment, working seamlessly with your current security measures to strengthen your overall security posture. This continuous vigilance means your systems are always under watch, even when you're not. To see how well these services fit into your cybersecurity strategy, contact Hedgehog Security for a demo. Our team is ready to help you navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape and ensure the security of your systems and data.

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