APT21: The State Security Shadow

APT21, also known as Zhenbao, is a cyber espionage group with ties to China, specifically focused on government and military sectors.

Emily Roberts
February 13, 2024
min read
APT21: The State Security Shadow

Who’s Behind It?
APT21, also known as Zhenbao, is a cyber espionage group with ties to China, specifically focused on government sectors. If your organization deals with state security, particularly in Russia, APT21 may be on the lookout for opportunities to infiltrate your systems.

What’s Their Mission?
APT21’s operations are highly targeted, often using strategic Russian-language attachments that touch on national security issues as lures. Their goal is clear: unauthorized access to privileged information concerning state security in Russia. Beyond this, they’ve also focused on dissident groups that seek greater autonomy or independence from China, such as those from Tibet or Xinjiang. APT21’s activities are closely aligned with the interests of the Chinese government, making them a significant player in the realm of state-sponsored cyber espionage.

Their Arsenal
APT21 is well-equipped, utilizing a range of malware including SOGU, TEMPFUN, Gh0st, TRAVELNET, HOMEUNIX, and ZEROTWO. They frequently rely on custom backdoors like TRAVELNET and TEMPFUN, which are specifically designed for their operations, rather than using publicly available tools. This indicates a high level of sophistication and intent in their operations.

How They Get In
APT21 typically starts with spear-phishing emails, carefully crafted with malicious attachments or links to lure their targets into compromising their own security. They also employ strategic web compromises (SWCs), which involve exploiting trusted websites to deliver their malicious payloads to unsuspecting visitors. Once inside, they use their custom backdoors to establish and maintain long-term access, allowing them to exfiltrate sensitive data over time.

Why This Matters to Us
At Hedgehog Security, we understand that APT21’s focus on state security and dissident groups makes them a unique and formidable threat. Their ability to craft highly targeted attacks using custom tools means that they’re not just casting a wide net—they’re going after specific, high-value targets.

That’s why we’re here. With our SOC365 service, we’re committed to detecting and neutralizing threats like APT21 before they can achieve their goals. We don’t just monitor for signs of compromise—we actively defend against them, ensuring that your organization’s most sensitive information remains secure.

In the high-stakes world of cybersecurity, defending against groups like APT21 requires more than just reactive measures—it demands proactive, strategic defense. At Hedgehog Security, we’re dedicated to keeping the pricks on the outside, so your organization can operate with the confidence that your state secrets and critical data are safe.

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