Empowering Cyber Defence: The AI-Driven Advantage of SOC365

Explore how SOC365 leverages AI for proactive cyber defense, ensuring robust security and compliance. Discover client success stories and key features.

Peter Bassill
August 14, 2024
min read
Empowering Cyber Defence: The AI-Driven Advantage of SOC365

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for organizations across all sectors. With cyber threats growing in sophistication and frequency, the need for robust security measures has never been more pressing. As businesses strive to protect their sensitive data and maintain trust with their customers, Security Operations Centres (SOCs) have emerged as vital components in the defence against cyber threats.

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However, traditional SOCs often need help with challenges such as high operational costs, resource constraints, and the overwhelming volume of data to be analysed. AI-enhanced SOC services come into play, offering a transformative approach to cybersecurity. Modern SOCs can significantly enhance their threat detection, monitoring, and incident response capabilities by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence technology.

At Hedgehog Security, we understand the strain on IT teams in managing cybersecurity. Our SOC365 service, powered by AI, is designed to alleviate this burden. It provides a CREST-accredited managed SOC service that operates 24/7, allowing your IT teams to focus on other critical tasks. This comprehensive solution meets the unique needs of legal, healthcare, financial services, and maritime industries, ensuring a robust security posture and providing a profound sense of relief and peace of mind.

The Role of AI in Modern SOCs

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, the ability to quickly identify and respond to threats is paramount. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in this field, offering unprecedented threat detection and incident response capabilities. By automating complex analysis processes, AI enables Security Operations Centres (SOCs) to operate more efficiently and accurately.

At the heart of Hedgehog Security's SOC365 service is Hedgey, our cutting-edge AI designed specifically for SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) analysis. Our internal AI processes over 100 million data points and can handle 25,000 alerts per second, providing real-time insights and actionable intelligence. This capability allows our experts to focus on high-priority threats, ensuring swift and effective responses.

AI technology enhances SOC operations by continuously learning from vast datasets, identifying patterns, and predicting potential threats. This proactive approach improves incident response times and minimizes false positives, reducing the workload on IT teams. Integrating AI into our SOC services empowers organizations to stay ahead of cybercriminals and maintain a robust security posture, providing a profound sense of control and confidence.

Our team of skilled analysts and threat disruptors work tirelessly to ensure our client's highest level of protection. Together, AI and human expertise create a formidable defence against cyber threats, providing businesses across various industries with a profound sense of peace of mind and security.

Features of SOC365

Hedgehog Security's SOC365 service delivers unparalleled cyber defence, setting a new standard in security operations. Here's an in-depth look at the unique features that distinguish SOC365 in the cybersecurity landscape.

Proactive Cyber Defence

At the heart of SOC365 is our commitment to proactive cyber defence. Our system anticipates and mitigates threats before they impact your organization, providing a robust and effective security solution.

Advanced SIEM and Hedgey AI

SOC365's advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, powered by Hedgey, our proprietary AI, delivers real-time monitoring and analysis. Hedgey processes massive volumes of data to identify threats with precision, enabling rapid response to potential security incidents. This synergy between AI and human expertise creates a formidable defence mechanism.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Management

SOC365 identifies and addresses security gaps before malicious actors can exploit them. We fortify your network's defences through continuous assessments and tailored security protocols, ensuring resilience against evolving threats.

Integrated Threat Intelligence

Our service incorporates cutting-edge threat intelligence, providing insights into the latest cyber threats and trends. This intelligence is seamlessly integrated into our security operations, empowering our team to make informed decisions and implement effective countermeasures.

Threat Disruption and Deception Technology

SOC365 excels in threat disruption by employing advanced deception devices to divert attackers from your critical assets. These devices create realistic decoys and traps within your network, misleading cybercriminals and gathering valuable intelligence on their tactics. This proactive approach, known as threat disruption, protects your critical infrastructure and disrupts attacker activities, reducing their chances of success.

Stakeholder Reporting and Transparency

SOC365 prioritizes clear communication and transparency. We provide detailed stakeholder reports that offer insights into your security posture, the threats encountered, and the actions taken to protect your assets. Our team hand-writes the reports by hand so that they are accessible to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Data Privacy and Compliance

Ensuring data privacy is a cornerstone of SOC365. Our service fully complies with GDPR and holds certifications such as ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials. We employ robust encryption and data protection measures, safeguarding your sensitive information and ensuring compliance with industry standards.
By focusing on proactive cyber defence and innovative threat disruption techniques, SOC365 reduces the burden on IT teams and enhances your organization's security posture. Our tailored approach ensures that each client receives the specific protection they need, allowing them to operate confidently in an increasingly complex threat landscape.

Benefits of AI-Enhanced SOC Services

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, AI-enhanced SOC services like SOC365 offer transformative benefits beyond traditional security measures. By integrating advanced AI technologies with expert human oversight, SOC365 provides a comprehensive security solution that delivers unparalleled advantages, including enhanced threat detection, reduced false positives, rapid incident response, cost-effectiveness, and scalability.

Enhanced Threat Detection

AI technology enables SOC365 to identify threats with remarkable speed and accuracy. By analysing vast amounts of data in real-time, AI can detect patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security breach, allowing immediate intervention and minimizing potential damage.

Reduced False Positives

One of the significant challenges in cybersecurity is the prevalence of false positives, which can overwhelm IT teams and divert attention from genuine threats. SOC365's AI-driven analysis significantly reduces false positives, ensuring that your team focuses only on accurate and actionable alerts.

Rapid Incident Response

AI's ability to process and analyse data at lightning speed ensures SOC365's rapid response to security incidents. This quick reaction time is crucial in minimizing the impact of a breach and preventing further escalation.


AI-enhanced SOC services offer organizations a cost-effective solution by automating routine tasks and reducing the need for extensive manual analysis. This efficiency allows businesses to allocate resources and focus on core operations strategically.


SOC365 will scale to meet your organization's cyber security and defence needs. We designed SOC365 to provide a flexible cyber defence solution that adapts to your security requirements. Whether expanding your network or facing new threats, SOC365 offers the agility to meet your demands.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

AI technology continuously learns and evolves, improving its threat detection capabilities. This adaptability ensures that SOC365 remains at the forefront of cybersecurity, providing cutting-edge protection against emerging threats.

Empowered IT Teams

By alleviating the burden of routine monitoring and analysis, SOC365 empowers IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation. This collaboration between AI and human expertise enhances overall productivity and effectiveness.
SOC365 delivers a robust and efficient security solution that protects your organization and optimizes your resources. This combination of technology and expertise ensures your business remains secure in an increasingly complex cyber landscape.

Client Success Stories

SOC365 has proven to be a game-changer for organizations seeking robust and reliable security solutions. Here are a few examples of how our AI-enhanced SOC services have made a significant impact:

Legal Industry: A leading law firm in London faced challenges with data privacy and compliance, particularly with the stringent requirements of GDPR. By implementing SOC365, the firm achieved compliance and enhanced its overall security posture. Our advanced threat detection and incident response capabilities ensured that sensitive client information remained secure, allowing the firm to focus on providing exceptional legal services.

Healthcare Sector: A prominent healthcare provider struggled with managing the vast amounts of sensitive patient data while maintaining compliance with industry regulations. SOC365's AI-driven threat intelligence and vulnerability management provided the necessary safeguards, reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing patient trust. The provider now operates confidently and is assured of a solid cyber defence.

Financial Services: A financial institution in Manchester was experiencing frequent cyber threats, which impacted its operations and client trust. By adopting SOC365, the institution benefited from our proactive cyber defence and threat disruption techniques, which diverted attackers from critical assets, improved their security, and restored confidence among their clients, contributing to business growth.

Maritime Industry: Due to the complexity of its operations, a global shipping company faced unique cybersecurity challenges. SOC365's tailored security solutions, including deception technology, effectively defended against targeted attacks. With the company's critical infrastructure safeguarded, it returned to focus on expanding its global reach.

These success stories highlight the transformative impact of SOC365 across diverse sectors. Our clients consistently report enhanced security, improved compliance, and increased operational efficiency. Organizations choose Hedgehog Security to gain a trusted partner dedicated to protecting their assets and supporting their growth.

Why Choose Hedgehog Security?

Choosing the right security partner is crucial for safeguarding your organization's assets and ensuring peace of mind. Hedgehog Security stands out as a leader in the cybersecurity landscape, offering a unique blend of advanced technology, industry expertise, and unwavering commitment to client success. Here's why Hedgehog Security is the ideal choice for your cybersecurity needs:

CREST Accreditation

Our SOC365 service is CREST-accredited, a testament to our adherence to the highest quality and security standards. This accreditation assures clients they receive top-tier service from a trusted and recognized provider.

AI-Driven Innovation

At Hedgehog Security, we harness the power of AI to revolutionize threat detection and response. Our proprietary AI, Hedgey, processes vast amounts of data with unparalleled speed and accuracy, ensuring protection against even the most sophisticated cyber threats.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Industries

We understand that each industry has unique security challenges. SOC365 offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of legal, healthcare, financial services, and maritime sectors. This personalized approach ensures optimal protection and compliance with industry regulations.

30-Day Free Trial

We are confident in the efficiency of our SOC365 service and offer new clients a 30-day free trial. A trial or PoC allows organizations to experience firsthand the benefits of our comprehensive security solutions without any initial commitment.

Trust and Reliability

Trust and reliability are core to Hedgehog Security. Our clients value our transparent communication, proactive approach, and unwavering dedication to their security. We prioritize building long-term relationships and delivering consistent results.

Expert Team of Analysts and Threat Disruptors

Our team comprises experienced SOC analysts and threat disruptors who work tirelessly to protect your organization. This combination of human expertise and AI technology creates a formidable defence against cyber threats.

By choosing Hedgehog Security, you are partnering with a leader in cybersecurity innovation. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our advanced technology and personalized approach, ensures that your organization can confidently face the challenges of today's complex threat landscape.

A Recap

As cyber threats evolve, the need for robust and innovative security solutions has never been more critical. Hedgehog Security's SOC365 service stands at the forefront of cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to protect your organization against even the most sophisticated threats.

Proactive Cyber Defence

SOC365 leverages AI-driven technology and human expertise to provide proactive threat detection and response, ensuring your defences are always one step ahead.

Innovative Threat Disruption

Our use of deception devices and advanced threat intelligence disrupts attacker activities, safeguarding your key assets and gathering valuable insights into potential threats.

Customized Solutions

We offer tailored security solutions that cater to the unique needs of various industries, ensuring optimal protection and compliance with industry standards.

Client Success Stories

Our clients across legal, healthcare, financial services, and maritime have experienced significant improvements in their security posture, compliance, and operational efficiency.

Trust and Excellence

With a CREST-accredited service, a 30-day free trial, and a dedicated team of experts, Hedgehog Security is committed to delivering trust, reliability, and excellence in cybersecurity.

By choosing SOC365, you are equipping your organization with a formidable defence against cyber threats, allowing you to focus on your core business operations with peace of mind. We invite you to experience the transformative benefits of SOC365 and join the ranks of our satisfied clients who trust Hedgehog Security to protect their most valuable assets.

Call to Action

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, securing your organization's assets is more crucial than ever. With Hedgehog Security's SOC365, you can access a cutting-edge, AI-enhanced security solution that protects and empowers your business.

Be aware of a cyber threat becoming a reality. Take the proactive step towards securing your organization's future with our 30-day free trial of SOC365.

Experience firsthand the peace of mind that comes with industry-leading cyber defence.

Ready to elevate your cybersecurity strategy? Contact us today to learn more about how SOC365 can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team is here to provide the insights and support you need to make informed security decisions.

Reach out via email or phone and let us help you build a resilient defence against the ever-changing threat landscape. Join the ranks of visionary leaders who trust Hedgehog Security to safeguard their most valuable assets.

Your security journey starts here. Let's embark on it together.

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