
The Disrupt phase is designed to actively interfere with, mislead, and neutralize cyber attackers, weakening their ability to execute successful attacks.

In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, waiting to react to threats is no longer enough. While detecting and defending against threats are essential elements of any strong cybersecurity posture, proactive disruption of adversarial activities is critical to neutralizing threats before they can cause significant harm. The Disrupt phase is designed to actively interfere with, mislead, and neutralize cyber attackers, weakening their ability to execute successful attacks.

At Hedgehog Security, our Disrupt services focus on engaging with potential adversaries by utilizing advanced deception technologies, threat intelligence, and automated response mechanisms to disrupt attacks at every stage. This phase goes beyond passive defense and introduces active measures to undermine attackers, stop threats in their tracks, and protect your organization.

The Role of the SOC in Disrupt

In the Disrupt phase, the SOC doesn’t just monitor and defend—it actively engages with potential adversaries to throw them off course and prevent them from reaching their objectives. This proactive approach is based on intelligence gathering, deception technologies, and automated countermeasures. The key functions of the SOC in this phase include:

  • Threat Intelligence Action: The SOC leverages threat intelligence not only to detect threats but also to proactively disrupt ongoing and future attacks. By understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of attackers, the SOC can take preemptive steps to neutralize threats before they escalate.
  • Deception Technologies: The SOC deploys advanced deception techniques to mislead attackers into engaging with fake assets, known as honeypots or honeytokens. These deceptive systems divert attackers away from valuable data and assets, leading them into controlled environments where their actions can be studied and disrupted.
  • Automated Response: The SOC integrates automated response mechanisms, such as Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR), to disrupt adversaries at critical points in the attack chain. SOAR platforms can automatically isolate compromised systems, block malicious IPs, and terminate attacker communication channels.
  • Incident Containment: In the event of a detected intrusion, the SOC acts quickly to contain the threat by isolating affected systems, cutting off unauthorized access, and ensuring that attackers cannot escalate their privileges or move laterally within the network.

The SOC’s role in Disrupt is to undermine attackers’ confidence, waste their resources, and neutralize their operations before they can cause significant damage. This proactive approach shifts the balance of power, forcing attackers to operate in an environment where they are more likely to fail.

Key Disruption Techniques

The Disrupt phase involves the use of several advanced techniques designed to neutralize threats before they fully manifest. These techniques include:

  • Deception Technologies: Our SOC uses deception technologies to deploy decoy assets, such as honeypots, honeynets, and honeytokens, within your network. These decoys mimic real assets but serve no functional purpose other than to mislead attackers. When adversaries interact with these decoys, their tactics are revealed, allowing us to disrupt their efforts without risking real data or systems.
  • Threat Intelligence Action: By using detailed threat intelligence, our SOC proactively takes steps to disrupt attackers’ activities. This may involve blacklisting malicious IP addresses, disrupting phishing campaigns, or feeding attackers false information that leads them to dead ends.
  • Automated Attack Disruption (SOAR): We use Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platforms to automate disruptive actions during an attack. SOAR automates responses such as isolating compromised endpoints, blocking suspicious network activity, and shutting down attacker-controlled processes before they can achieve their goals.
  • Behavioral Analytics: By analyzing normal user behavior, we can detect when attackers have gained access to systems. Once anomalies are detected, we implement countermeasures such as locking compromised accounts, blocking suspicious network connections, and monitoring attacker actions within a controlled environment.
  • Ransomware Disruption: In the event of a ransomware attack, our SOC can take steps to disrupt the encryption process by isolating infected systems, halting attacker communications, and restoring data from backups. This minimizes the impact of ransomware and ensures that attackers cannot achieve their objectives.

Activities Within the Disrupt Phase

The Disrupt phase is highly proactive and involves a range of activities aimed at preventing attackers from achieving their goals. Some of the core activities in this phase include:

Deception Technology Deployment

We deploy honeypots, honeynets, and honeytokens within your network to attract and engage attackers. These decoy systems mimic real assets, luring attackers away from critical data and allowing us to observe their tactics without exposing real systems.

Automated Attack Response (SOAR Integration)

Through the integration of SOAR platforms, we automate the response to detected threats. SOAR automates processes such as isolating compromised systems, blocking malicious IPs, and terminating suspicious network sessions, ensuring quick and effective disruption of attacks.

Threat Intelligence Action

Using global and industry-specific threat intelligence, we proactively engage with potential adversaries by preemptively blocking known malicious IPs, URLs, and email addresses. This disrupts attackers before they can even begin targeting your organization.

Incident Containment and Isolation

When a security incident is detected, our SOC takes immediate action to contain the threat. This includes isolating compromised systems, cutting off attacker communication channels, and preventing lateral movement within the network, thus limiting the scope of the attack.

Dark Web Monitoring and Action

We monitor dark web forums and marketplaces for signs of planned attacks or stolen data related to your organization. If we detect your information being traded or sold, we act quickly to disrupt the distribution of that information and notify you immediately.

Ransomware Detection and Disruption

Our SOC is equipped with advanced tools to detect ransomware in its early stages. If ransomware is detected, we quickly isolate affected systems, prevent encryption processes from continuing, and restore data from secured backups, effectively neutralizing the threat.

Supply Chain Threat Mitigation

We work with your team to monitor and protect against potential threats arising from third-party vendors or suppliers. If a supply chain attack is detected, we take steps to block the threat and protect your systems from any compromised third-party connections.

The Importance of Disruption in Cybersecurity

The Disrupt phase adds a crucial layer of security by proactively engaging with adversaries and neutralizing their efforts. Unlike traditional defensive measures that focus solely on prevention, disruption actively undermines the attacker's ability to execute their strategy. This not only minimizes the impact of successful breaches but also discourages attackers from targeting your organization in the future.

Cybercriminals often rely on precision and efficiency in their operations. By introducing chaos and uncertainty into their plans through deception and disruption, we make it harder for them to succeed. The result is a more resilient organization that can withstand and deter even the most determined attackers.

Conclusion: Disrupt to Neutralize

At Hedgehog Security, the Disrupt phase is about more than just passive defense—it’s about taking the fight to the adversary. By deploying advanced deception technologies, leveraging threat intelligence, and utilizing automated response systems, we actively neutralize threats before they can escalate into full-blown incidents.

Our Disrupt services ensure that attackers are constantly met with barriers, false information, and dead ends, preventing them from achieving their objectives and protecting your organization from harm.

For more information on how our Disrupt services can safeguard your organization or to discuss customized disruption strategies, feel free to contact us for more information.

This comprehensive explanation of the Disrupt phase highlights our proactive approach to cybersecurity, focusing on disrupting adversaries and protecting your organization before threats can cause damage.


Here are the answers to our most commonly asked Disrupt questions.

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