
Attackers constantly evolve their tactics, seeking out weaknesses in defenses, and exploiting vulnerabilities. The key to minimizing damage and preventing successful attacks lies in early detection.

Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, seeking out weaknesses in defenses, and exploiting vulnerabilities. The key to minimizing damage and preventing successful attacks lies in early detection and proactive monitoring. This is where the Detect phase of cybersecurity comes into play.

At Hedgehog Security, our "Detect" services form the first and most critical line of defense against malicious activity. We utilize advanced toolsets, such as our Security Operations Center (SOC) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, to provide continuous monitoring, analysis, and threat intelligence. This page will break down the key elements of the Detect phase, the role of the SOC, and how our SIEM toolsets empower organizations to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

The Purpose of the SOC in Detect

The Security Operations Center (SOC) is the nerve center of an organization’s security infrastructure. It is where all security-related activities are centralized, managed, and analyzed by a dedicated team of experts. The SOC operates 24/7, ensuring constant vigilance over an organization's digital environment.

In the Detect phase, the SOC plays a vital role in the following areas:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Our SOC continuously monitors network traffic, user activities, endpoints, and applications to detect suspicious behavior. With real-time insights, our analysts can quickly identify potential security incidents, whether they arise from external attacks or internal threats.
  • Threat Intelligence Integration: Threat intelligence feeds are vital to the SOC’s ability to detect emerging threats. Our SOC integrates threat intelligence from numerous sources, enriching the data we collect with context about new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers.
  • Incident Detection and Response: When the SOC detects unusual activity or indicators of compromise (IOCs), our experts act swiftly to investigate, analyze, and respond. The earlier a threat is detected, the less damage it can cause.
  • Proactive Threat Hunting: Beyond relying on automated tools, our SOC employs advanced threat hunting techniques. Threat hunters proactively search for hidden dangers within your network, identifying sophisticated attacks that might bypass traditional detection systems.

The SOC is not just a reactive function. It is a proactive defense mechanism, always looking for signs of compromise and preparing to respond to any threats that arise. The strength of a SOC lies in its ability to detect threats in their infancy, long before they can cause significant damage.

SIEM Toolsets: The Backbone of Detection

At the core of our SOC’s detection capabilities lies our Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. A SIEM is a powerful tool that aggregates, normalizes, and correlates vast amounts of log data from across an organization’s IT infrastructure. By centralizing this data, our SIEM gives us a comprehensive view of your environment, making it easier to identify potential security incidents.

The primary functions of our SIEM toolsets in the Detect phase include:

  • Log Aggregation: The SIEM collects log data from various sources, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), servers, endpoints, and applications. This centralized collection allows us to see the full scope of events occurring in your environment.
  • Correlation and Analysis: Our SIEM tool uses predefined rules and advanced algorithms to correlate data from multiple sources, allowing us to detect patterns and relationships that might indicate a security incident. For example, a single failed login attempt might not be alarming, but a series of failed logins across multiple devices could indicate a brute-force attack.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Once the SIEM detects an anomaly or matches a suspicious activity to known threat patterns, it generates an alert in real-time. These alerts are immediately reviewed by our SOC analysts to determine the nature and severity of the potential threat.
  • Threat Intelligence Integration: The SIEM is constantly updated with threat intelligence feeds, allowing it to identify known IOCs and TTPs. This integration makes it possible to detect threats that are part of global attack campaigns.
  • Anomaly Detection: Our SIEM tool is also equipped with anomaly detection capabilities. It analyzes normal baseline behavior in your environment and raises an alert when it detects deviations from this baseline. Anomalies could include unexpected traffic, unusual access patterns, or unauthorized data transfers.

By automating the collection, analysis, and correlation of security events, our SIEM dramatically reduces the time it takes to detect and respond to threats. Combined with the expertise of our SOC analysts, this tool empowers us to detect potential security issues faster and with greater accuracy.

Activities Within the Detect Phase

The Detect phase covers a wide array of activities designed to identify potential threats early in their lifecycle. Some of the core activities involved in this phase include:

24/7 Monitoring and Analysis

Continuous, around-the-clock monitoring of network activity, user behavior, and system events. Our SOC analysts are always on alert, ensuring no suspicious activity goes unnoticed.

Log Management and Analysis

Logs from various systems and applications are gathered, normalized, and analyzed for patterns that could indicate a security threat. Our SIEM automates much of this process, but our experts provide additional context and analysis where necessary.

Threat Intelligence Integration

We integrate external threat intelligence feeds to stay ahead of emerging threats. This integration allows us to detect new malware strains, phishing attempts, and other attack methods that may be targeting your industry.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Our SOC monitors endpoint devices in real time to detect malware infections, suspicious activity, or anomalous behavior. EDR tools allow us to isolate infected devices before the threat can spread across the network.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

We use IDS/IPS technologies to detect and prevent unauthorized access to your systems. These systems monitor network traffic and generate alerts when they detect activity that violates predefined security policies.

Proactive Threat Hunting

In addition to automated tools, our experts engage in proactive threat hunting. We search for hidden threats that may evade detection by conventional security tools, such as advanced persistent threats (APTs) or insider threats.

Anomaly Detection and User Behavior Analytics

By creating a baseline of normal activity within your organization, we can detect anomalies that might indicate a breach. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) helps us identify suspicious activity by tracking deviations from normal user behavior.

Dark Web Monitoring

We monitor the dark web for signs that your data or credentials may have been compromised, helping to detect breaches that could go unnoticed for long periods.

Why Detect is Crucial to Cybersecurity

The Detect phase forms the foundation of any strong cybersecurity posture. Early detection is critical because it can prevent threats from escalating into full-blown security incidents. When suspicious activity is caught early, it allows for quick containment, reducing the risk of data loss, financial damage, and reputational harm.

Moreover, modern attackers often use advanced techniques that can evade traditional defenses. By continuously monitoring and proactively hunting for threats, we ensure that even the most sophisticated attacks are detected early.

Conclusion: Detect to Protect

At Hedgehog Security, the Detect phase is more than just monitoring—it’s about vigilance, intelligence, and proactive defense. Our SOC and SIEM toolsets are designed to provide early warning signs of potential security incidents, giving organizations the critical time they need to respond and mitigate risks.

Our Detect services ensure that nothing goes unnoticed, enabling businesses to operate securely, knowing that their digital assets are continuously monitored and protected.

Continue reading, next up is Defend.


Here are the answers to our most commonly asked Detect questions.

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